Book Sale Fundraiser Presented by Friends of Webb Shadle Public Library

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Book Sale! 📚
From thrilling mysteries to heartwarming classics, there’s something for everyone among our meticulously curated selection of used books, all in good condition.
🌟 Every Book, Just a Quarter! 🌟
Yes, you read that right! For the price of just a quarter, you can add a new book to your home library and embark on countless journeys within the pages of our beloved books. With such incredible value, you’ll be sure to find literary gems that will enrich your reading experience without breaking the bank.
Perfect opportunity to 📖 Build Your Own Home Library 📖
See you there!
Wednesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: closed
Friday: 10am – Noon, 1pm-5pm
Saturday: 9am – Noon
Presented by Friends of Webb Shadle Public Library

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