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Join author Linda McCann for a presentation on her latest book, Iowa’s Rosie the Riveters. Explore Iowa history and Iowa stories with one of our states most prolific researchers and writers.
Linda Betsinger McCann has traveled and spoken to hundreds of individuals and groups about the history and narrative of Iowa what is still here to photograph and research, as well as what has been lost to time. McCann’s newest book focuses on Rosie the Riveters in Iowa. Rosie the Riveter was a name used to encourage women to go to work during WWII. They needed to take the place of the men who were fighting the war. Iowa had 70 businesses that used women to meet production of military needs. Linda was able to speak with 35 women who had worked as Rosie’s. Some worked in Iowa and others went to the West Coast. She shares their experiences when she speaks.
Copies of Linda’s book will be available for purchase and signing at the event. The cost of the book is $20 payable by cash or check.

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